But it's not like the sea...
05/30/11 12:30 PMIt's been a week of FAIL for me lately. I hope things really do happen in threes, because maybe that means my bad luck is over for a while!
The laptop I've been using decided to die yesterday. Thankfully, I regularly back up my writing to a web server, so I don't have to worry about that. But I have no clue what else was on my computer that I didn't bother backing up. Ugh. I'm sure there are quite a few VDP files that I may have just lost. Moral of the story: do scheduled back-ups of your hard drive to some place external!!!
And then today, Malcolm P. (one of our cats) decided to jump out the window to capture a bird or something. You'd have to ask my husband why the screen was not down and why he heard and saw nothing. Luckily, I was in the dining room on the floor below because I heard a crash and saw a big puff of white! Doesn't appear that he broke anything, but I'm still panicking. Kids!!
That said, I hope you all have a safe Memorial Day!
Many thanks to all those who have risked and given their lives for the safety and freedom of our own!
So it's no surprise my eyes are never heavy...
04/29/11 09:48 AMJust keeping myself busy here, nose buried in a book or pen buried in a journal. I've been working on a few short pieces for a couple anthologies, which is a nice change of pace for me. I'm also working on book two of the Jon Hunter series. And, if that wasn't enough, I had a flash of inspiration to start yet another book! This other one is a bit of an experiment, and I'm not sure what to consider it: popular fiction, literary fiction, pulp? I have no clue yet, and even as it congeals I still have no idea what its form will end up being. But I'm not one to back down to a literary challenge, so even if this turns out to be a failure, I'm going to ride it as far as it will go! I'll keep you all updated once I figure it out!
Every pretty flower...
04/01/11 10:37 AM
For those who have asked me about where they could see some of my work in print (such as my poetry and essay submissions to other zines and anthologies), I've created a page here on my site that lists them. I still need to fill it in, which I will try to do by the end of this weekend, but it now exists! It is the final link on my "Book List" page.
Also, a little prayer out to Rozz Williams, who has been gone for many years now but is not at all forgotten. R.I.P.
Also, a little prayer out to Rozz Williams, who has been gone for many years now but is not at all forgotten. R.I.P.
William, it was really nothing...
03/28/11 06:15 PMI'm so sorry for the lack of communication lately! It's been a bit chaotic here.
The trip to NYC didn't go as smoothly as I had hoped, so I'm sorry if I missed any of you while I was there. Steve Ignorant wasn't issued his visa in time for the show, so he had to postpone it. I will hopefully be back up there in May for the re-scheduled show, so perhaps I can hang out with some of you then!
In the meantime, I'm getting some more work done on the next book in the Jon Hunter mystery series (Flowers in the Dustbin). I think you guys are going to be pleased with it. While in NYC, I made a few more adjustments and got some great inspiration and ideas. I'm also still aiming to finish the book by the end of the year, so I won't make you guys wait to long for the next installment.
Thanks again for all of your support. I appreciate all of you!
Crawling the Walls...
02/18/11 04:14 PM
Going stir-crazy here on a beautiful spring-like day in Cleveland. I hope those of you in the area were able to get out and enjoy this weather, because you know what they say: in 10 minutes it will change, and the pressure headache I'm getting now is proof that's true.
Well, miracle of miracles, that other poetry collection I mentioned in my previous post has been completed! It's nowhere near ready to print yet, but it's written, and I love it more than anything I've ever done! The title is Seventy Times Seven and I've created a new page for it here on the site. It is 77 poems long and is set up like a narrative, so it's a lengthy piece. Antoinette Hancock, the lovely artist who did the covers of The Esoteric and Crush Violets, will be creating the artwork for this book. I'm super excited to share this with all of you.
I'm also super excited that this project is pretty much done! It's been over 10 years in the making, and it was quite a lot to carry around inside me all that time. It chronicles a period that many of you will recognize as the "Hyacinthe dropped off the face of the earth" era, and it is a relief for me to get this out of my system. I wrote it in a style a bit more like Anne Sexton than usual, and I think it works well. It's a journey from hope to horror and back again.
Now that I've birthed that child, I can go back to nurturing the other inside me: book two of the Jon Hunter Mysteries! I've extended the trip I'm taking in March (see the 'Events' page for more details) so that I can spend time writing. I love the energy of NYC, and I'd like to capture that as I write this new installment. This year is going to be very exciting!
Well, miracle of miracles, that other poetry collection I mentioned in my previous post has been completed! It's nowhere near ready to print yet, but it's written, and I love it more than anything I've ever done! The title is Seventy Times Seven and I've created a new page for it here on the site. It is 77 poems long and is set up like a narrative, so it's a lengthy piece. Antoinette Hancock, the lovely artist who did the covers of The Esoteric and Crush Violets, will be creating the artwork for this book. I'm super excited to share this with all of you.
I'm also super excited that this project is pretty much done! It's been over 10 years in the making, and it was quite a lot to carry around inside me all that time. It chronicles a period that many of you will recognize as the "Hyacinthe dropped off the face of the earth" era, and it is a relief for me to get this out of my system. I wrote it in a style a bit more like Anne Sexton than usual, and I think it works well. It's a journey from hope to horror and back again.
Now that I've birthed that child, I can go back to nurturing the other inside me: book two of the Jon Hunter Mysteries! I've extended the trip I'm taking in March (see the 'Events' page for more details) so that I can spend time writing. I love the energy of NYC, and I'd like to capture that as I write this new installment. This year is going to be very exciting!
Iceblink Luck
02/02/11 03:46 PM
I’m happy to announce that my new poetry book, Razorwire Embrace, has now been released! It is available for purchase direct from the printer at the moment and should be available in about a month from Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble. We’re having a couple problems with the old Via Dolorosa Press website right now, so it is not yet available through the publisher. (Hopefully I’ll have that resolved by the weekend for those of you who would like to order signed copies.)
The other manuscript I unearthed has required more work than I originally thought, so I’m not sure when that one will be ready for publication. I promise it will be worth the wait, however. It’s turning out to be incredible (and long!).
As I can’t say it enough, thank you so much for your unending support! I know many of you have been with me for nearly two decades now, and I appreciate it down to my marrow.
Be safe, and enjoy this new collection!
The other manuscript I unearthed has required more work than I originally thought, so I’m not sure when that one will be ready for publication. I promise it will be worth the wait, however. It’s turning out to be incredible (and long!).
As I can’t say it enough, thank you so much for your unending support! I know many of you have been with me for nearly two decades now, and I appreciate it down to my marrow.
Be safe, and enjoy this new collection!