I’m happy to announce that my new poetry book, Razorwire Embrace, has now been released! It is available for purchase direct from the printer at the moment and should be available in about a month from Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble. We’re having a couple problems with the old Via Dolorosa Press website right now, so it is not yet available through the publisher. (Hopefully I’ll have that resolved by the weekend for those of you who would like to order signed copies.)
The other manuscript I unearthed has required more work than I originally thought, so I’m not sure when that one will be ready for publication. I promise it will be worth the wait, however. It’s turning out to be incredible (and long!).
As I can’t say it enough, thank you so much for your unending support! I know many of you have been with me for nearly two decades now, and I appreciate it down to my marrow.
Be safe, and enjoy this new collection!