Happy New Year, my friends!
The first of those two poetry collections I mentioned previously is being prepped for publication. It is titled Razorwire Embrace and is quite classically “me,” though, perhaps, with a bit of an edge I hadn’t gotten yet 10 years ago. I look forward to your comments and reviews on it! I’ll make another announcement once it has been released.
I’ve also been toying with an idea since this new year began, and I’d love your input. Now that I’ve been using Lulu.com for my printing, it is a hell of a lot easier for me to handle print projects. And one thing I had stopped doing many years ago because of the time and cost of printing was publishing Erased, Sigh, Sigh., Via Dolorosa Press’s literary journal. I loved putting that together more than anything, but it was just too hard for me to do on my own after a while. So, my question right now is if ESS is something you’d want to start reading again? I guess I’m just wanting to gauge what the interest would be. It would continue to be something that came out twice a year, but it would no longer be hand-bound with ribbon on parchment paper. Sure, that looked pretty nice, but it was too costly and time-consuming for me to do at the volume I needed to, unfortunately.
So, please share with me your thoughts on this.