Holy shit. Check it out! I'm still alive, despite everything.
I need to redesign my website since my host is not able to support this program I originally had designed for it so things are a bit of a hot mess right now.
But I wanted to let you know that since the pandemic I released two collections (see my updated Book List and How to Order pages for them). And I haven't given up on that second Jon Hunter mystery. I just bit off more than I could chew with the plot of it and still have to grow into being skilled enough to write it out.
Anyway, I love you and am so grateful you have waited for me.

Exciting Year!
01/15/14 10:53 AMHappy New Year, everyone!
I'm anticipating that 2014 is going to be an exciting year! It marks the 20th anniversary of my press, Via Dolorosa Press, which has me as happy as a parent whose child just graduated. I've also got a few special events lined up that I hope you will join me for! The major one this year is Convergence 20, which is being held in Chicago in April. Check out my Events page to see details. I hope to have the next Jon Hunter book done this year as well. (I'm pushing to get it done in time for Convergence, so we'll see what happens!)
Thanks again for all of your support, particularly for your response to my latest poetry collection, Seventy Times Seven. I am so honored to have such amazing fans!!
Much love and wellness to each of you this year!
By Hyacinthe Raven
- Permalink Tagged: events, fitd, newyear, poetry, update, vdp55, convergence, anniversary, vdp
Oh the Kiss, So Alcoholic and Slow...
11/07/13 05:07 PMJust in time for Christmas... Seventy Times Seven is now available on Amazon!
If you would prefer a signed copy, you can place your order here.
Please consider leaving a review on Amazon if you have read the book.
As always, thank you so much for your support! I'm sorry I wasn't able to do a booksigning in NYC this year, but I'm considering doing some a little closer to home. If you have suggestions for a city you'd like to see me in, please let me know!
Happy Death Men
09/22/13 07:02 PM
It's here!
I'm so happy to announce that my latest poetry collection, Seventy Times Seven, is now available!
You can order signed author copies here on my site. I'll post another announcement once it starts showing up on Amazon. I have not finished formatting the eBook yet, but one will be available soon.
Thanks so much for enduring this long wait!
I'm so happy to announce that my latest poetry collection, Seventy Times Seven, is now available!
You can order signed author copies here on my site. I'll post another announcement once it starts showing up on Amazon. I have not finished formatting the eBook yet, but one will be available soon.
Thanks so much for enduring this long wait!
new dawn fades...
08/28/12 10:26 PM
Yes, I am still alive!
I'm so sorry for the lack of updates. I've been consumed by the world lately.
I will say, however, that I am currently working on four different projects, two of which are poems in anthologies due out this fall and in 2013. It's been a while since I've written poetry, so I'm pretty excited about those opportunities. Once they are finalized, I will let you know details.
I'm afraid that I will not be able to finish Flowers in the Dustbin by October. I tried, but I'm just not close enough to complete it by that time. I am still going to be appearing at the 2012 NYC Collectible Paperback and Pulp Fiction Expo, though. So, I do hope that those of you who are in the area or plan to be will stop by and see me then! I'll have copies of Dial 999 with me as well as books from the incredible Barry Crowther.
Thanks again for all of your support! It means so much to me! :)
I'm so sorry for the lack of updates. I've been consumed by the world lately.
I will say, however, that I am currently working on four different projects, two of which are poems in anthologies due out this fall and in 2013. It's been a while since I've written poetry, so I'm pretty excited about those opportunities. Once they are finalized, I will let you know details.
I'm afraid that I will not be able to finish Flowers in the Dustbin by October. I tried, but I'm just not close enough to complete it by that time. I am still going to be appearing at the 2012 NYC Collectible Paperback and Pulp Fiction Expo, though. So, I do hope that those of you who are in the area or plan to be will stop by and see me then! I'll have copies of Dial 999 with me as well as books from the incredible Barry Crowther.
Thanks again for all of your support! It means so much to me! :)
The sky is blue, my hands untied...
03/12/12 06:06 PM
Somewhere in chapter 6 now (of the next Jon Hunter book). Still planning on having the book in hand in October. Just in time for the next NYC Collectible Paperback and Pulp Fiction Expo!
Yes, I will be heading there again this year.
I will have more details on the website as we approach it.
Thanks again for the continued support!
Yes, I will be heading there again this year.

I will have more details on the website as we approach it.
Thanks again for the continued support!
Happy New Year!
12/30/11 06:57 PM
Thank you, everyone, for your support this year!
It's been a bit quiet these past few months, but that's because I've been working on the next Jon Hunter book. I've got 2 out of the proposed 13 chapters done so far, which should keep me on schedule for an October 2012 release. Fingers crossed and pencils sharpened!
I've also got a few other books in various stages of completion, so I hope that 2012 will bring them to life as well.
Please have a safe and happy new year!
Much love,
It's been a bit quiet these past few months, but that's because I've been working on the next Jon Hunter book. I've got 2 out of the proposed 13 chapters done so far, which should keep me on schedule for an October 2012 release. Fingers crossed and pencils sharpened!
I've also got a few other books in various stages of completion, so I hope that 2012 will bring them to life as well.
Please have a safe and happy new year!
Much love,
Scratch my name on your arm with a fountain pen...
10/13/11 08:46 PMRelaxing before I head to NYC! I've had my bags packed for a month now, I'm so excited. I hope that I will see some of you there! Check out the Events page for info on where I'll be!
When the shadows were small...
08/14/11 02:09 PM
I'd love some feedback regarding the upcoming Jon Hunter book (Flowers in the Dustbin).
The first book (Dial 999) was written in first-person, from the point-of-view of our protagonist. Should I stick with that or mix it up? The plot in this next book is going to be more intricate, so I'm wondering if first-person won't be good enough or appropriate? What about a mix between first-person and third-person? Is that too confusing?
I welcome your ideas on this. I've read books that have done this, and it worked for a handful but failed for most. So, I'm afraid that I'm being too ambitious if I do it for my sophomore effort.
Thanks again for your suggestions and support! I hope to see you in NYC in October! (Check my 'Events' page for more info.)
The first book (Dial 999) was written in first-person, from the point-of-view of our protagonist. Should I stick with that or mix it up? The plot in this next book is going to be more intricate, so I'm wondering if first-person won't be good enough or appropriate? What about a mix between first-person and third-person? Is that too confusing?
I welcome your ideas on this. I've read books that have done this, and it worked for a handful but failed for most. So, I'm afraid that I'm being too ambitious if I do it for my sophomore effort.
Thanks again for your suggestions and support! I hope to see you in NYC in October! (Check my 'Events' page for more info.)
If My Eyes Are Blue Or Dead
07/17/11 09:10 AM
I've got 3 manuscripts being written simultaneously right now, which is very typically "me". I wish, for once in my life, I could start and finish one project at a time. One of them I anticipate being done before the year is up, another I anticipate being shelved for a while, and the other still needs more research.
My day job has been keeping me outrageously busy the past 2 months, so I've been aching for a nice writing retreat. If I can get the time off work, I am considering going up to NYC to the Pulp Fiction expo. Perhaps even getting a table there. I will keep you updated as it gets closer.
My day job has been keeping me outrageously busy the past 2 months, so I've been aching for a nice writing retreat. If I can get the time off work, I am considering going up to NYC to the Pulp Fiction expo. Perhaps even getting a table there. I will keep you updated as it gets closer.